TrevorMartin138: Why do so many people think they are one custom myspace page away from becoming the next Diddy? Trust me, your "talent mngmt" shit will FAIL. 2009-02-16 12:21:50 ? Reply ? View. dezfutak: Karsh Kale's music ROCKS!! ...
TrevorMartin138: Why do so many people think they are one custom myspace page away from becoming the next Diddy? Trust me, your "talent mngmt" shit will FAIL. 2009-02-16 12:21:50 ? Reply ? View. dezfutak: Karsh Kale's music ROCKS!! ...
TrevorMartin138: Why do so many people think they are one custom myspace page away from becoming the next Diddy? Trust me, your "talent mngmt" shit will FAIL. 2009-02-16 12:21:50 ? Reply ? View. dezfutak: Karsh Kale's music ROCKS!! ...